Thursday, 13 January 2011


The location plays an important part in the film and affects the genre. This means that I need to think carefully about where I am going to film my opening scene. The location I have planned to use is set within a school, this is as it follows the conventions of my chosen genre. Also by filming in a school it will appeal to my target audience, they will be able to relate to the location. This means that I will have to make sure that the location I use, looks real and creates verisimilitude, this is very important that I create this atmosphere other whys the audience will not believe in what they are watching.

In the scene with Lilly and Emma I plan on using an empty corridor, as I feel that this will show to the audience how Lilly has no friends, which is conventional of my genre and by using this location it will back this up and clearly show to the audience the type of character she is. For this corridor I will use typical things such as lockers ect, using this will make the scene come over more realistic.

I have chosen to keep the location simple, in one place as to keep focus on the characters and what is happening in the scene. I plan on using my location like this as I feel that it will fit in with my genre and appeal to the audience.       

To help me work out were the best place to film would be, I took photos of different parts of the school which I plan to film at, this would help me to work out which would be the best location to set the opening scene.
This locations I felt would be right for the oppening scene being that it had the stereotypical elements that i need to have in the opening, to make in link in with the genre of the film. The only thing this because of all the class rooms around it could be to noisey. There is also no clear place were Lilly could be sitting.                                                         
With this location I felt that it also had the right staging with the lockers. This corridor is small, so there would not be a lot of space for the actors. Their is also a lot happening on the walls, with posters, having this could take away from what is happening in the scene.

This location I felt that it was too big and would not show how Lilly is alone. I liked this location as it had the right elements needed and would have bright lighting to create a realist location. Though becuse of the size of the loaction I didn't think that it will fit in with what I wanted to put across to the audience.
This location fits in with the character and the geren of the film. The only thing is that when filming there would be a lot of back ground noise that would take away from what is happening in the scene .

This location would allow good effect on lighting and looks like the stereotypical  corridor.Using this would allow the audience to relate with the location and the plot. Through there is not a lot of room to move and film the different shots needed.    

This location would allow a place of Lilly to sit and creates a clear working space for her. There is also the right amount of room of the actors and move and to create different shots. Through with the window behind this could effect the lighting depending on the location of the characters location. 

After looking at all the different location I could use, working out the way in which they would fit in with the genre and the effect they would have on the audience. I have chosen the last location being that I felt that it create the right place for Lilly and showing the how she is alone. 
Once I had chosen my location I did a risk assement of the locations. Checking that it would be safe for the actors to use. I felt that there was no obvious risk to the actors but with this I took the phone numbers of the atcors, so that I could contraced thier faimly in case I need to do so. To lower the risks I also made sure that someone knew where we were, in case someing did go wrong.    

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