The costume which I use need to fit in with the character and show the audience the type of person there are. The costume I will use also needs to fit in with the conventions of the genre and appeal to the audience this means that the costume I use needs to fit in with the style that my audience are wearing. Though for some characters it needs not to fit in with the style to show her character.
For Lilly I have planned her costume to mach her character and clearly show to the audience who she is. I plan for her to wear plan clothes, uninteresting, just jeans, t-shirt, things that don’t bring attention to her. Along with this she will be wearing glasses with is conventional for this type of character. In her costume I will try and bring over to the audience the type of persons she is.
Where as Emma will be wearing the opposite clothes to show how she is a completely different person. Her costume will stand out more and also bring over her character. Wearing dark clothes showing her character in a conventional way, fitting her into the genre.
The costumes that the characters wear are important being that they will have an impart on the audience and the way in which the they view the character. Which means that I need to get the outfit right to put over the correct connotations of the character, making sure that they have empathy with Lilly and dislike towards Emma.
To help me come up with ideas of how I planed to create my costume and make them more realistic for the audience and fit in with the conversation of my chosen genre I looked at different teen films and the way in which they used costume to put over the characters.
This photo from 'Never been Kissed' shows the 'nerd' from the film. The costume use shows the era in which it was set. Knowing this backs up my research and how I plan to use my costume. Clearly showing the audience how the characters are and what they are like. Having the glass put over in a stereotypical way her charatcer. This is somehting I plan on using of Lilly and will allow the audience to know what type of charatcer she. I felt that this costume puts over a claerly to the audience who she is and is somthing in I hope to put over in the costumes I use.
This photo from 'Never been Kissed' shows the 'nerd' from the film. The costume use shows the era in which it was set. Knowing this backs up my research and how I plan to use my costume. Clearly showing the audience how the characters are and what they are like. Having the glass put over in a stereotypical way her charatcer. This is somehting I plan on using of Lilly and will allow the audience to know what type of charatcer she. I felt that this costume puts over a claerly to the audience who she is and is somthing in I hope to put over in the costumes I use.
I also look at the film 'Cinderella Story' looking at the costume that the charatcer Shelby wore. I found that this costume would fit in with the character Annie who is not in the opening.
From looking at the costume used in this film it has helped me to think about the way in which I could use a costume to put over the right image of the character and the importaned part it plays within a film, telling the audience about the characters and what part they play. Looking at the costume used for the character Shelby, I felt that they used female colours to put over her charatcers. Looking at this helped me to see the importans that colour play it telling the audience about the character.
The costumes used in 'Freaky Friday' would fit in with the character Emma at the opening of the film, being that she is wearing reds and blacks. These are the type of colours that I had planned for her to wear. Fitting in with the stereotypcal view of her charatcer, this will allow the aduience to gain a better understanding of her.
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