Thursday, 10 February 2011

Opening Credits

I looked into the order that the credits should put in when doing the opening, so that I could make my opening realistic.

  1. The Name of the Studio that distributing the film or/and the produced it such as Universal, Buena Vista, Columbia ect.
  2. Then the name of the production company normally saying  'in association with' or studio name production.'
  3. Next putting in the producer name such as a film by...
  4. Then the Principal actors in the film
  5. The Name of the Film
  6. Next the Featured actors
  7. Then the Casting director
  8. Next putting in the information about the Music.
  9. Now putting in the production design/designer
  10. Then including set design, costume, hair, make-up artist, visual effects director- these one will depend on how long my opening is.
  11. Next putting in the Editor
  12. Followed by the Director of Photography.
  13. Producers, co-producer, executive producer ect.
  14. Then if based on a book or other medias such as a play.
  15. Next who the story is by.
  16. Writer or writers
  17. Then the Director
Knowing the order in which the credits are normally in will help me to create more realelict opening scene. Making sure that I fit in with the genre of the film.

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